An Exhibition of Work by
Haruko Yamashita
“The Power of Sculpture— Artist’s Thoughts on Public Art”
Gallery A and B, Shiinoki Cultural Centre, Kanazawa
Friday 14th April to Sunday 23rd April 2017
Haruko Yamashita has worked on many pieces of public art for sites all over Ishikawa Prefecture as well as for locations overseas. The exhibition includes information panels describing her thoughts and aspirations behind her work, some of which was made in Egypt for display at public facilities and elsewhere. The show also provides and opportunity to see some of her work in metal—a new departure for Yamashita.
Some pieces related to her work in stone are available for purchase.
This exhibition was organised by the Funa Asobi Gallery.
山下晴子彫刻展 「彫刻の力」
4月14日(金)― 4月23日(日)
舟あそびが企画し、彫刻展を金沢のしいのき迎賓館で開催いたします。 海外をはじめ、石川県に多くのパブリックアートの彫刻作品を手掛ける、山下晴子さんの展覧会です。 エジプトでの制作や公共施設などに設置された作品に、どんな思いを込めて取り組んだのか、作家の 思いをパネルでご紹介いたします。それと合わせて、これまでの石彫を関連作品ごとに分け展示、販売 いたします。また新たな試みとして制作された、鉄の彫刻作品もご覧頂けたらと思います。
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