Hikoju Makie: Takashi Wakamiya Exhibition
Tuesday 29th October~Monday 4th November 2019
(On the final day the exhibition will close at 4:30 pm)
5th Floor Art Gallery
Takamatsu Mitsukoshi
7-1 Uchimachi, Takamatsu, Kagawa 760-8639, Japan
Takashi Wakamiya will be at the exhibition most days
to answer any questions you may have.
Besides exhibiting their work, a craftsperson needs to
foster a relationship with those who do decorative
makie work as well as specialists who apply true
lacquer. And then there is a need to break new ground
while respecting the wealth of traditional designs
and patterns that have been handed down to us. It
is essential to nurture artisans and their skills within
the structure of Hikoju. Someone needs to be
responsible for producing and commissioning work.
There is also a great need to develop work within the
lacquerware market both at home and overseas.
Takashi Wakamiya
会期 2019年10月29日(火)~11月4日(月)※最終日は午後4時30分閉場。
会場 高松三越 5階 美術画廊
作家来場/会期中在廊予定 ※都合により変更になる場合がございます。
職人 を育成組織する「彦十蒔絵」のプロデューサーとしても活動している。
漆器の市場 開拓、海外発表なども積極的に展開している。
彦十蒔絵(Hikoju Makie)
マネージャー(Planning, public relations, and overseas window)
高禎蓮(Wawa / Kao, Chen-Lien)
Address: 1-188, Kekachidaira-machi, Wajima City, Ishikawa, Japan
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