Japan Encapsulated
Lacquerwork produced by Takashi Wakamiya and his band of skilled craftspeople working under the name Hikoju Makie, will be exhibited at the Taipei Mayor’s Residence Art Salon between Friday 30th September and Saturday 15th October. The Salon is open between 10 am and 6 pm. For further information on the location and other details please access the site for the Mayor’s Residence at http://www.mayorsalon.tw/ in Chinese and English.
The work on show is highly representative of Japan and all carried out using true lacquer while drawing on the skills of the Hikoju Makie craftspeople lead by Takashi. Examples of the exhibits can be seen at the address below with Chinese explanation only.
Drinking dish Kecho—a suspicious bird. 化鳥 盃 Copyright © Hikoju Makie
「彦十蒔絵・若宮隆志藝展 當代日本漆藝」
期間:2016年9月30日(Fri.)~2016年10月15日(Sat.) 10:00-18:00
台湾台北の市長官邸藝文沙龍(The Mayor's Residence Art Salon)において台湾で初めての彦十蒔絵展を開催する事となりました。日本を象徴する漆芸作品を通して台湾の皆様と相互理解が得られる事を心より願っております。
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